Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bowls of H.O.P.E by Sandra Slayton

    I volunteered at the Bowls of Hope fundraiser thrown by Coalition Hope. There was a table that had bowls that people created and donated to Hope to sell at the fundraiser. There were also t-shirts that children created with the common theme of stopping domestic violence hanging all around that people could purchase if they wanted. Some other things the fundraiser had was live music, great soup, and a photo booth to make a memory of the event. There was also a very tasty dessert auction towards the end of the fundraiser. My job at the fundraiser was to serve the soup and have conversations with the hungry people waiting for there soup.
   This fundraiser raises money for Coalition Hope, which helps victims of domestic violence. The money that was raised would go towards the shelter and some of the many other operations that hope provides around Coles county community.
     H.O.P.E is a wonderful organization that has a great impact on the community. It provides education, shelter,transitional housing, counseling, and legal help to women who have been victims of domestic violence. They also go to schools and educate children on domestic violence. Throughout the year Hope has many events to help stop domestic violence and educate in individuals on the dangers of domestic violence.
   I thought Bowls of Hope was a creative fundraiser. It brought a lot of people from the community out to enjoy each others company while raising money for a good cause. I enjoyed volunteering at this fundraiser because I got to meet some wonderful people and eat great soup. I also liked the whole purpose behind the fundraiser and how the hope staff was there raising awareness about domestic violence.

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