For the LINK project assignment, I volunteered at the County Animal Rescue and Education (CARE) center located here in Charleston . The shelter, which serves all of Coles County , is filled with animals who have been abandoned or rescued and need a new home.
After watching the video a few weeks ago in class about the dogs helping kids read, I came to the conclusion that for this assignment I would like to reach out to them. The animals at the shelter are helpless beings who can not do anything to help their own situation. In this economy, the animals are at a huge disadvantage because people can no longer afford them. The pets are the first thing to go when a family begins having money troubles. Having a pet and caring for it properly can be extremely expensive and time consuming. Pets who do have homes are being given up at an alarming rate and those who do not are not being adopted because times are so tough. Throughout the semester, we have learned about a number of disadvantages that people face on a daily basis. I, like so many other American’s, consider my dog a part of my family, so I feel like if a family is disadvantaged so are their pets. Although the problems may not be as important those in everyday human life, they are still disadvantages none the less.
In completing this volunteer activity, I was able to network with other professionals and volunteers alike during my time at the shelter. The animal shelter has needs and requirements to run on a daily basis, just as any other shelter would. For hours, I closely watched the volunteer workers work intently on a number of tasks. Before leaving, I asked them a few questions about the animals and the nature of their work. They all have devoted a great part of each day to helping the otherwise helpless animals at the shelter. In questioning them, I gained a knowledge and understanding of the importance of their commitments in this community. They all seemed to genuinely care about each and every animal at the shelter.
This organization has an amazing effect on the individuals and animals within the Coles county community. Families and students alike are able to help the animals and possibly even offer them a good home. The shelter keeps animals safe from danger by offering them a clean, inviting pen. In each pen, the dogs have both an inside and an outside area offering the dogs shelter from the elements. The volunteers are allowed to walk the dogs of play with them in separate outside pens, large enough for plenty of exercise.
I thoroughly enjoyed doing this assignment. After leaving the shelter, I felt a since of major accomplishment as I had walked and played with nearly every dog in the shelter during my time with there. I loved getting involved with the community and knowing that I had helped the dogs stay healthy and feel good. I learned how important it is that I take time out for my furry friends. They are helpless and during these trying economical times they need help just like the rest of us. I can’t wait to go back!!
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