Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tiffanee Jelks

            I volunteered at a church in Decatur named City of Praise, the church is located in a low poverty stricken area. Many people that attend the church are members of the community that suffer from unemployment and inadequate housing. At the church I offered dance lessons and I tutored children in math and social science. I started volunteering in February, I tutored on Fridays and held dance practices on Saturday from ten o’clock for my junior dance team and eleven to one o’ clock for the teens. I think that my volunteer work served a great purpose in the community. Many of the children’s parents can not afford to put their children in dance schools and they can not find free tutors to dedicate their time. My service provides children with getting involved in their community, it is increases their social skills and it allows them to do something positive with their time. In the class 4840 I learned that time “is a precious commodity to families living in poverty.” The parents of the children feel that it is not enough hours in the day for them to earn extra money so they could provide more for their children. They work hard all day just to provide the basic needs for their children but sometimes it is hard to afford their wants. My service gave them a peace of mind that their children were able to have fun and do want they love without adding them any additional stress. I networked with the pastor and first lady of the church, I learned more about the other programs that they put on for the children. They told me their mission and what they hoped to see change through their influence in the community. I enjoy teaching and dancing so I have a great time doing both. Volunteering at the church gave me a chance to develop relationships with children and to be a mentor to them.

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