Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stuffing the Bus: Jodi Matheny

For my LINK Project Assignment I got involved on EIU’s campus for a program called “Stuff the Bus.”  EIU Housing and Dining put on this event where they parked a big, yellow school bus near the University Union and accepted donations of canned foods, clothing, and several other things.  Donations were being sent to a few different shelters in the Charleston Area.
 I got involved with this in two ways.  One way I was involved was by helping collect donations.  I work with Housing and Dining so I help gathered donations before the event even happened.  I had gathered about 200 items to donate.  I had lots of clothes donated along with shoes, hats, and even a few sleeping bags!  The second way I got involved in this project was by helping the day of the event.  Not only did I drop my donations off, I also helped put things on the bus and make room for all of the items being donated.  Overall we had about 1000 items donated for the Charleston area shelters.
I think by doing this community service the community has a lot to be thankful for.  There are so many people in this area who do not know when their next meal will come or that do not have enough clothes.  I think donating clothes that a person no longer wears is one of the easiest ways for the community to help those in needs.  Personally, I went through my clothes and realized that I had a lot that I no longer wear.  Instead of letting them sit and take up more room I donated them and it felt great to give something I had so much to give to someone who had so little.  I hope that people in this community continue to help each other and give what they can no matter how great or small.  
 I learned that so many people want to help but never are sure how to help.  I went around to different organizations and groups on campus asking them to go through their closets’ and give what they no longer wear.  Many were amazed to find so many items that they could donate.  Giving even one or two items is even a big help! I was not able to go to drop the donated items off to the community shelters but I can guarantee the thankfulness they felt and how relieved they were to know that we as a community had more to give.
(Picture is of me and another volunteer working together to box that whole blue cart full of donations!)

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